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    Thailand to have the second tourism plan

    10/31/2016 2:06:40 AM

    Ministry of Tourism and Sports is drafting the National Tourism Development Plan II phase 2017 - 2021 that will become the country’s master plan for tourism development once approved by the Thai Cabinet.

    "The plan is based on the recent discussions with the private and tourism related sectors" said Chanchai Tanatkatrakul, the leader of the Permanent Secretary’s Advisory Committee of Project Planning to the Thai Travel Agents Association. 

    The first plan has covered the years 2012 to 2016. In the 1st plan “There are internal and external factors that we have to consider, particularly are the competition and the tourism trends, tourist behavioral changes, aging society, technology, new innovation including collaboration in ASEAN countries, regional and global,” Chanchai Tanatkatrakul said.

    The next five-year plan should focus on developing the country’s prosperity and sustainability, creating quality leisure destinations, generating revenue for local economies and developing tourist attractions, products and services linked to the Thainess concept. “Safety and security are also the key elements that will be included in the 2nd plan,” he added.

    The objective is to increase tourist spending per person, to improve human resources’, to develop laws and regulations for the benefits of the tourism industry and create a new infrastructure in transportation, tourism information and technology.

    The draft plan once completed will be presented to the Deputy Prime Minister, Thanasak Patimaprakorn, who heads the National Policy Committee for Tourism, and then the Cabinet for approval on the 1st October 2016.

    ATTA secretary, Adith Chairattananon, suggested that private sector leaders in tourism should be more involved in the drafting process. “Collaboration on draft plan is needed from both public and private sectors… the private sector will be able to present a clearer perspective reflecting the business interests of tourism.”

    He added: “The draft plan should offer a clear definition of “quality tourism” and “sustainability”…we need a clear meaning for the words before we set out an efficient guideline for related authorities to work on the target. In addition, risk and crisis management should be added to the plan. We should also consider Thailand’s carrying capacity to welcome tourists…how many tourists can we handle and how do we balance it so we can preserve the country’s resources and culture.”

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